Our Solutions

Tailored approaches to meet our clients

where they are and deliver what they need

We leverage our vast "been there before" real-world experiences and our talents of purposeful listening, synthesizing, and visual capture to co-create the right approach and solution for your specific needs.

Team Engagement

Defining and practicing "how we work" may be more important that "what we work on" when it comes to sustainability, predictability, and reliability of a team to deliver. Fully understanding and embodying "why we are here" ignites a team's passion, creativity, and fire to show up every day and improve "what we work on" without needing specific direction to do so. An "extremely engaged" team member knows what the goal is and why it is important and flourishes in a collaborative and flexible environment that he/she has helped to create and continuously improve so that success is achieved every day. Do you have "extremely engaged" teams and team members? Results, Visualized! can help!

Visual Facilitation & Graphic Recording

Humans are visual learners and communicators. Throughout our evolution, from cave drawings and hieroglyphics to our modern-day emoticons, the human species uses visual images to remove the misinterpretations that words, language, and dialects are burdened with to quickly and universally share an idea or thought. The most impactful and memorable presentations speak through pictures rather than with words. Visual Facilitation improves any meeting, presentation, or discussion that requires engagement, collaboration, decision and issue resolution, and ultimately action – which should be every meeting! It creates an environment of collaboration and connection that accelerates mutual understanding and results. The resulting agreements that are created together deliver a different and more useful recording of your meeting content – not the dry and stale meeting minutes that your participants will not read – but a visual, physical artifact that will be present and visible, demanding interaction by your entire organization. Visual Facilitation and Results, Visualized! are the embodiment of this very basic concept. 

Agile Coaching & Learning

Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Sprint - these terms are tossed around without care or understanding of what they truly mean. Some believe Agile and its various practices are just another software development methodology, only to be practiced by technology teams. Full appreciation and adoption of Agile is to adopt a different MINDSET, a way of planning, thinking, and behaving that, when done well, permeates all aspects of a team, organization and community. It is a way of life! Results, Visualized! has this mindset and can bring these habits to you!

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